Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013: Thoughts on Blogging

Pin It Now! I'm sure this will come as no surprise considering my sporadic posting, but I've decided to take a formal hiatus from my blog.  Instead, I will be attempting to fully embrace social media.  Blogger seems to be having a lot of issues lately, and it's simply faster to facebook from my phone all my fun projects as opposed to the time it takes to upload to blogger.

I know some of you aren't on facebook and I do apologize.  I just feel it will be better to post more often in a different, faster format that be constantly stressing that I haven't posted anything here.  I would love to have you follow me there!, or the badge on my sidebar.

I also have a QR code:

 Thank you so much for your continued support in this transition!  

Elin K.

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