This was the snowglobe I made for Jeff's oldest brother and his family. Another avid hunter and outdoorsman, I chose bears as reminiscent of Yellowstone Park where Jeff's family has spent a lot of time. The large bear in the globe is from SU's long retired Yukon, and the small bear on the front is from SU's Wildlife. I used the 1 3/4 Circle Punch on the Very Vanilla in the front, and the green behind it is retired SU (I'm really not sure what it was called, but it's quite old. I got a half package as a gift and I know it was purchased in the early '90s).
I also used Lovely as a Tree to add some extra trees to the scene. I'm always amazed how LAAT fits into whatever I am versatile!
Big plans today - I have my upline's stamp camp, I need to put up flyers for my card class, drop off a few catalogs, do some crafty shopping and create some new projects. I was asked to do my first SU workshop late this month and a Mommy & Me showcasing 3-D projects early February, so I gotta start planning!
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